Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Counting Our Blessings

Tonight I'm counting my blessings that I am alive and able to walk.  Earlier this evening my mom and I were rear-ended on our way home from a long day of work.  It doesn't rain very often in Arizona, so our roads are oiled to make driving during hot weather easier, but, when it rains, Arizona drivers don't really know what to do.  They either drive far too quickly, or like their car is being pushed by one person while the car is filled with people pointing and laughing at them watching them do all the work.  I heard a crash, then one quickly after it, and my mom and I were instantly thrown forward and then thrown right back.  Thankfully no one was severely injured.  I am just so thankful so be alive and as well as one can be after such an ordeal.  It just goes to show that in an instant everything can change.  Life can be altered forever, or ended completely, or it can remain how it was, seemingly uneffected, but, I am incredibly grateful that today I am alive and well, and so is my dear mother. 

Well, I am off to rest, today has been quite the long, tiring day.  Hope everyone is safe and sound and realizing how lucky we are, even if our circumstances seem to be utter crap, we are above ground.  Have a great night's rest, or a beautiful day like I had today, minus the accident, the weather was perfect.  Sweet dreams.


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